Interview With The Intern: Anna Turner - Generator Design of Canada Skip to Main Content
Interview With The Intern: Anna Turner
return to posts March 27th, 2023

Interview With The Intern: Anna Turner

Here at Generator Design, the onset of spring weather is synonymous with a jumping point in every fledgling graphic designer’s journey: internship. This year, we are proud to be able to take under wing a talented recent graduate of the St. Clair College Centre for the Arts Graphic Design program: Anna Turner! During her six-week internship, Anna will be experiencing firsthand the daily—and welcomely unpredictable—life as an industry creative. In true Generator fashion, we’ve asked Anna some important questions to test her creative mettle.


Welcome to Generator, Anna—do you have any nicknames?

Hi there! I don’t really have any nicknames, but in college people called me and my group of friends “the dream team” because we always worked hard.


Speaking of dreamy, what’s your favourite food?

I’m a big fan of banana cream pie, and I’ll never say no to ice cream!


Have you always lived in the Windsor area? Do you travel?

I’ve lived in Windsor all my life. After graduating from F.J. Brennan High School I went directly into the St. Clair College Centre for the Arts Graphic Design program. I travel with my family on holidays; I’ve been to Ottawa, Niagara Falls, Toronto, but my favourite place was Montreal.


Oops! Now you’re in a Role Playing Game. Which 3 fictional characters (any genre or universe) are your party members?

I would have to go with Emma Swan from the TV series Once Upon a Time, Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games, and Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean—I feel like they would be fun choices!

If you were a Pantone, what colour would you be?

Ooh! Definitely, Pantone 691 U which is my favourite shade of light blush pink.

Colour inspires us all around here! What inspired you to be in the graphic design field?

I’ve been a creative person all of my life. I’ve been drawing and painting as far back as I can remember. My passion grew as I took Graphic Design classes in high school. I had some amazing mentors over the years to help guide me onto my chosen path. I got into the Graphic Design program at St. Clair College and have never looked back. I love that you can take a client’s vision and bring it to life. Creativity, authenticity, and maintaining a good work ethic have always been my focus.

You wake up one morning transformed into your favourite animal. What are you and how does it affect your job?

I would have to say a cat. I have three cats at home who I adore. It would probably affect my ability to work quite a bit! I wouldn’t be able to get much done at all.

You have a looming project deadline and need an extra hand to complete it. What do you do?
a. Knock the project on the ground. Stick caution tape around the area. This is a investigation now.
b. Tell Mando the Dog it’s a treat and feed it to him.
c. Grow an extra hand. Maybe two to hold a coffee.
d. Sit very, very still at your desk. The deadline can’t see you if you don’t move.

I would grow an extra hand. Maybe two to hold a coffee. I don’t like to leave projects incomplete!

What keeps you inspired?

I’m a huge Vincent Van Gogh fan and admire his work so much. It keeps me inspired; his story is incredibly fascinating, and my professors and friends can all attest that I am inspired by him.

If you had an autobiography, which section of a bookstore would readers find it under?

I would be found under the artist section because I love anything to do with creating.



Tell us about one of the following:

a.) A really cool fact about yourself.
b.) Your favourite series (tv, movie, game, book, pick one).
c.) A cause that is important to you.
d.) An untrue explanation of why Canada Geese think they’re better than everyone.

A cause that is most important to me is the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association. Being someone who is hard of hearing and also a student is a rare thing and I have always been educated on the topic. I feel it’s not talked about often, and making people aware is something I feel passionate about.


Attending St. Clair College has been an incredible journey. I have worked hard and have had people in my corner who support and mentor me. I put in the work, time, and talent to get to where I am today and I have produced work that I am proud of. I have maintained a 4.0 GPA thought my entire program and am the president of the Graphic Design Club. I put so much passion into everything I create and I am grateful for being a part of the Generator Team!

Stay tuned for weekly journal entries direct from Anna during her internship at Generator Design! Follow us on our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages for updates.