Interview With the Intern: Olivia Pickering

Olivia Pickering, Intern
We have some very exciting news to announce today! Every spring, Generator Design welcomes aboard a third year Graphic Design intern to give them a head start on everyday life in the industry. Today we’d like to introduce everyone to Olivia Pickering who is joining us from St. Clair College! We had an opportunity to sit with Olivia and found out some pretty amazing facts about her. A bit of inaugural intern Q&A is always fun. We promise. So grab some coffee, sit back and enjoy a very Generator introduction.
Welcome to Generator, Olivia! Do you go by Olivia?
Hey, thank you! My nickname is Liv Pick (everybody I know calls me Liv).
What are your passions in life?
I am just as passionate about graphic design as I am about coffee, cacti and concerts.
Coffee, cacti and concerts… got it. Rachel, Jess and Katie have cacti on their desks. You’ll fit right in! What are some of your interests as a designer, Liv?
I love designing things with strong graphic elements, but I also love simple designs. Photography and abstract water colour painting keep me creatively energized.
Were you always involved in the arts? Did it influence your decision to study as a graphic designer?
My art teacher in Grade 10 told me that I should apply my love of photography into graphic design. Here we are 6 years later and I’m almost done at St. Clair College!
What is design to you?
Designing is a story that I get to tell!
You’re from the Windsor area. What about our city inspires you?
My favourite part of living in Windsor is the amazing view of the sunrise/ sunsets we have by the river.
What’s one fun fact about yourself, Liv?
My birthday is on Halloween! Spooky right?
When did you decide you wanted to become a graphic designer?
I decided I wanted to be a graphic designer after I had a photography class in high school. My teacher showed me really cool photos that were edited and manipulated in Photoshop. When I got home from school that day I looked at so many interesting designs and I was so interested in design! If it weren’t for my teacher I don’t think I would want to be a graphic designer. She taught me how to share stories through my artwork, and thats my favourite part about designing.
Pantone has made you into Colour of the Year. What is it called?
“Gothic Mermaid” and it would be dark teal.
If your musical preference was a sitcom, what would it be called?
“Really Bad Noise” or “She Calls This Music?”
How many action figures do you think could fit on your desk?
Considering my desk is very empty I would say 100 normal sized ones or 60 really big ones.
You just designed a new typeface based on the last meal you ate. What is it called and is it serif or sans serif?
It would be called Salt and Vinegar Popcorn, and it would be a sans serif font.
You ordered some new design software, but the company sent you an inflatable bounce house and ball pit. Do you:
a) Return them both
b) Invite the Generator team over
c) Nothing; you’re very confused
d) Set up your new office in the ball pit. This is life now.
B: I would set it up in my new office in the ball pit and I’d probably invite the Generator team over!
What inspires you?
Thats a hard one but I’d say the thing that inspires me the most are my friends and family. Everyone in my friend group is very different and they are each so passionate about what they love to do and it really inspires me to create things. I’d also say that a good sunset is very inspiring.
Star Wars, Star Trek or Firefly? Why?
Don’t hate me for saying this but I’ve only seen half of a Star Wars movie… I guess I’d pick that because I’ve at least seen a part of one…
A movie day is in order. Moving on. What’s your opinion on lawn ornaments?
I’ve never really thought about them but I guess my opinion is “Why? Just plant a tree.”
Would you rather:
a) Design, but you can’t use any hotkeys.
b) Draw, but you have to wear an oven mitt.
c) Write, but you can’t use the letter ‘E’.
d) Sleep, but you only dream about project deadlines.
b) Draw, but wear an oven mitt.
Thanks for the interview, Liv! We look forward to the coming weeks you’ll spend with us. Feel free to tour the office, mingle with your fellow designers, sketch, take advantage of the coffee and popcorn machines, play a game of ball with Leia the Sheltie, ask all the questions you can think of, and have a great time. We’re happy to have you with us!