Defining “Art” in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Generator—yes, we’re human.
If you have been following the news these past few months, you’ve undoubtedly come across articles and discussions on Artificial Intelligence (AI) generated art and copy. The dawn of this sophisticated technology has brought a lot of controversy when it comes to artists and their rights and moral obligations that come with these tools.
If you are not familiar with it, here is our 20-second rundown to get you up to speed: AI-generated art and copy utilizes the massive amounts of existing data, art history, styles and imagery to create new art and copy. Some people claim that the results are attractive and effective. AI material is created for a fraction of the price and nearly instantaneously; for a small price, anyone can produce art and copy. The problem that arises, however, is that the results are often drawn from copyrighted material. This poses a problem to artists everywhere: does AI-generated art fall under the category of copyright infringement?

Examples of AI generated art. If humans can produce art, music and photographs, then can artificial intelligence as well?
Generator is a team made up of artists, writers and developers—we are creators.
Each of us works with technology daily. One of our core company tenets is to seek out and embrace new technologies to boost our efficiency and extend our abilities to exceed our clients needs.
While we are all technophiles at heart, we hold ourselves to an even higher standard of respect and enjoyment for our craft. As such, we find it important today to stand and support our team and peers. It is imperative to acknowledge the years we have spent honing our craft and the subtle nuances in our work that only human emotion can ever produce.
While the waters of AI technology and morality remain murky, we hold strong and promise to never intentionally commission or create any pieces using AI technology. This is not only done in our recognition and respect of our fellow artists and creators, but also out of respect for our clients. What we produce will remain unique, calculated and curated to our specific client needs; we will not let an algorithm make decisions about something as important as a company’s brand or reputation.
As we all continue to navigate through this new technology, we’d like to express our thanks and gratitude for the support of our clients. Thank you for recognizing our talent, ability and years of effort that has lead to every piece we have ever produced—for realizing that Generator is more than a support ticket, a line of code, a pretty stock photo or some words jumbled on a page.
Thank you for realizing that the human touch is our best quality.