Adding A New Gear: Emma McLaughlin - Generator Design of Canada Skip to Main Content
Adding A New Gear: Emma McLaughlin
return to posts September 15th, 2021

Adding A New Gear: Emma McLaughlin

3-Minute Read.

Welcome to Windsor—a city chock full of tech, arts, culture, talent, and diversity. Generator Design is proud to not only be a part of it, but to be able to open our doors to the creatives who call Windsor home. We recently had the opportunity to welcome aboard one such creative mind. Without further ado, we’re happy to introduce you to our newest Graphic & Web Specialist, Emma McLaughlin. We can think of no better way to get to know her than through a Generator-style interview!


Welcome to Generator, Emma—may we call you Emmarator?

Thank you! Please call me whatever you like.


You got it, Emmanem. So, where are you from?

I’m from Ottawa! Sometimes I miss it, but at the end of the day I spend most of my free time in my room anyway.


We’re happy you chose Windsor as your new home! There’s a lot of good local restaurants here. Tell us your favourite food without telling us your favourite food.

A certain fictional orange sassy cat would enjoy having dinner at my place.


We won’t assume your favourite colour is orange, but if you were a Pantone, what colour would you be?

This is a tough question since people have many different sides to them, but I guess even a single colour can express more than one thing. I think I identify most with PANTONE 3515 C.


That’s an inspiring and creative colour. What inspired you to be in the web/graphic design field?

I liked visual arts from a young age and it’s something that my parents always encouraged. As I reached adulthood and began to evolve as an artist, graphic design became of interest to me; I thought it would give me a different perspective on art—and it has! Web development is something that kind of just fell into my lap, but I was surprised to find that I enjoy it as well.


You sound like you have all the makings of a graphic and web designer. But what if you woke up one morning and turned into your favourite animal? What are you and how does it affect your job?

If I manage to make it into the office as a snake, then I think my biggest challenge will be to type efficiently with no arms.


That would be a tricky one, but here’s an even trickier question: your code has suddenly broken. Who or what is to blame:

A. One pesky semicolon.
 90s fashion.
 Oh look. It’s working now.

90s fashion is a gift from the heavens! My answer is A.


Ah, it’s usually those uninspiring semicolons. So, what keeps you inspired?

Inspiration really is everywhere. I used to look to illustration and photography, but these days I get excited looking at cool and innovative things that people do with technology, too.


As a creative, it’s important to have a library of resources to pull ideas from. If you had an autobiography, which section of a bookstore would readers find it under?

At the risk of sounding pretentious, I’d say philosophy.



Would you rather:

a.) Paint without being able to clean your brushes.

b.) Draw with an uncalibrated tablet.

c.) Only be able to dance the Hokey Pokey.

d.) Code without indentations.

I was going to say C, but I felt it would be a cop-out since I refuse to dance in front of anyone. I think drawing with an uncalibrated tablet could produce some fun results if you just roll with it!


Emma graduated from Algonquin College in 2012 with an advanced diploma in Computer Science, and has worked for several years in software and web application development. In 2021, she graduated from St. Clair College with an advanced diploma in Graphic Design. Enjoy all the coffee, popcorn, brainstorming, and anything else we can offer—we’re excited to have you aboard the Generator Team, Emma!
