20 Signs You Might Be a Graphic Designer
Whether you’re a graphic designer or know one, chances are you can relate to the following.

It pains you to add more text to a perfect layout.

You’ve been asked to jazz something up.

You have a favourite font.

You’ve been asked to make the logo bigger.

You’ve been referred to as a miracle worker.

Blinking comes second to saving your work.

You’ve been asked: “Can you design it quick?”

“Pinterest Time” fills you with excitement.

You’ve been told that computers do all the work.

You’ve had a run-in with a box cutter.

You critique restaurant menus before ordering.

You’ve corrected the pronunciation of “Cyan”.

There is evidence of lunch at the keyboard.

You have font identifier websites bookmarked.

You save multiple copies of your files.

You buy things just because you like the label.

You critique roadside signage.

You have too many browser tabs open.

You try to Ctrl+Z something you’ve said.

You’ve used Chartreuse in a sentence.