Windsor-Essex Chamber of Commerce - Generator Design of Canada Skip to Main Content

Case Study

Windsor-Essex Chamber of Commerce Logo

The Windsor-Essex Chamber of Commerce offers resources, advocacy, and a powerful network to help businesses grow and prosper. They shape a vibrant and innovative community in Windsor-Essex.

The Task

The Windsor-Essex Chamber of Commerce came to us with a goal of designing a logo that reflects the dynamic evolution of our region and the resilience of it’s business community. Inspired by Windsor-Essex’s natural beauty, fertile soil, and industrial strength, the design connects the past, present, and future.

The Process

Our first task was to develop a visual identity representing the Windsor-Essex region to stand the test of time. As a prominent symbol of our area, the Gordie Howe International Bridge was chosen as the focal point. With sleek lines and a modern design, it includes a blue and green colour scheme incorporated from the previous design, complimented with waves symbolic of the Southwestern Ontario peninsula.

With the main logo in place, we developed a series of additional logos used within the Chamber. One being the 150th Anniversary logo that encompasses the many years the Chamber has provided support for local and international businesses across the globe.

The second is the Official Member badge. You become a member to build strong business connections through exclusive networking events and create opportunities; gaining valuable experience. At it’s core, the Gordie Howe Bridge icon is in the centre with the bold text around connecting the elements together.

The Result

This fresh, new design offers a dynamic and vibrant outlook towards the Chamber’s future. As the Chamber continues to evolve, this logo creates a refreshing change to the growing community.