Case Study
Kinetic Konnection Comic-Style Branding
The Task
Kinetic Konnection, The Bracing Experts, are distinguished as being a unique purveyor of custom orthothics, braces, and more. Originally led by their caped, wooden mannequin mascot Super Boomer, the owners sought to add depth to their superhero and to move away from a look typical of a medical supplier. Working closely with our long-time client, Generator Design was approached to expand upon and conceptualize a comic universe of informative Super Boomer collateral.
The Process
Generator Design’s approach began with conceptualizing and illustrating a cast of villains to each represent a common mobility affliction: Super Boomer’s arch nemesis Arthrito for arthritis; the blob-like Verigross for venous insufficiencies; a foot named Plantor for foot troubles, and the troublesome General Pain.
Once a complete cast of characters were approved by our client, we moved forward with creating a variety of materials to communicate a range of information delivered in comic format. A variety of of print materials were produced, including comics, signage, mailers, and calendars, along with a translation of the comic theme to their website.
The Result
Generator’s rebrand of Kinetic Konnection created a memorable and fun means to supplement their products and services, positioning our client as the leading authority in custom orthotics with a twist!